Seasonal Sensibility : Autumn
Seasonal Sensibility : Autumn
In this seasonally curated series of perfume-making workshops, we will get down and dirty with one specific fragrance and this Autumn it’s all things Leathery. Each of these fragrance types is steeped in rich historic traditions and wonderful natural materials. Cracher dans la soupe invites you to come get nosey with the Seasonal Sensibility workshop series.
More info about this series:
The human nose is said to be able to discern over a trillion distinct odours. How do perfumers make sense of all these scents?
One way is to separate this flurry of airborne activity into a smaller number of more functional categories. the fragrant materials we work with each fit within one (or two) of these categories, which are sometimes referred to as “Fragrance types” or “fragrance families”.
In this seasonal workshop we will focus on one fragrance type in all its glory. through a series of exercises we will shed light on some of the highest quality natural materials, methods and tools used by perfumers. we will gain an introduction to blending these materials together through proximity, harmony and opposition to create our own botanical perfume to take home. In the process, We will utilize the language of perfume to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for this specific fragrance family and its materials.
No prior perfume knowledge is required for this workshop, however taking Odorata before this series is highly recommended. This is a perfume-making workshop - you will create your own 10ml eau de parfum to take home.
Safety notes: Please be advised that we will be working with natural oils, absolutes and extracts from plants, some of which are known allergens. If you have allergies to specific essential oils or plants but would like to participate in this workshop nonetheless, please let me know ahead of time and I will try my best to accommodate with alternative oils.